Thank You
Thanks to:
- Auckland Academy of Dance. Without you this performance would not take place. We (the choreographers) are hugely indebted to AAD for rehearsal space, costumes, support on all kinds of levels and, above all the friendship of Nancy and Penny. Thank you!
- Luke and Natalee Raymond for donating countless hours on recordings, photos, videos, promotional materials, websites, tickets, etc. Words cannot express our gratitude!
- Westprint Limited and Dawn Lodge-Osborn
- Sponsors MusicWorks and Yamaha Music
- Lauren Raby, Naomi Dekker, Lyndon (Alex) Alford and Ben Zilber for sharing their musical expertise.
- Peter Thomas and Epsom Girls Grammar for the kind donation of music equipment used in these performances.
- Charlie Greaves and Teresa Munro for rigging and pulleys.
- Joanne Kelly - RFAC Theatre Manager
- Bodhi Twilley - RFAC Technical Manager
- Josiah Carr for the generous sharing of more percussion equipment
- Laidlaw College for making rehearsal space available. Special thanks to Allan Officer for his extra assistance at all times of day and night!
- West City Band Executives - Richard Breed, Anthony Yelavich and Michelle Johnston
- Katrina Elia for organising all of the dancers and much of the administration side of 'putting it all together'
- Pip Toman and Jan Bach for support and outstanding costumes
- The Stage Company for loan of multiple costumes
- Carolina Dutruel and Jennifer Tynan for their part in the filming of this amazing production
- And to you our whanau, friends and supporters