Joining an Ensemble

Interested in joining a West City Music ensemble? Here’s how it works…

1. Contact us

Your first step is to email us or message us on Facebook! Let us know which ensemble you are interested in, along with what instrument you play and your experience level.

We will get you connected with the correct people, make sure you have the latest information about rehearsal times, and get you some music to look at.

2. Come to a Rehearsal

We want you to come along and try the ensemble FIRST, before making any commitments! Come along to a couple of rehearsals and see if you like the group.

Our rehearsals are held at:
Liston College
69 Rathgar Road

Directions to the rehearsal room

  • Enter Liston College via the Rathgar Rd entrance. (If the Rathgar Rd gate is closed, you may enter via the Edwards Ave gate).
  • Follow the driveway to the back of the school property and park in the rear parking areas.
  • Walk between the two-story classroom blocks and turn right.
  • The rehearsal room is on the ground floor next to the tennis courts

What to bring to rehearsals

  • Your instrument πŸ˜‰
  • Printed sheet music or tablet – we ask our players to print their own music
  • A portable music stand

3. Informal Audition

After attending a couple of rehearsals, some ensembles may organise an informal audition with the Music Director and section leader. This ensures it’s a good fit for both you and the ensemble.

4. Join the Organisation

After your audition, there are just a few formalities and you’ll officially be a member of West City Music!

The membership fee for 2025 is $110. ($55 if joining during the second half of the year.) Individual ensembles may have other associated costs, which we can discuss with you. Fees can be paid by bank payment:
Account number: 12-3071-0259267-00
Memo: Membership
Reference: The players name
(If there is insufficient space in the reference field, please use the first initial and surname)